Forecast About Some Jobs in The Future Part Two

The conclusion in the last blog post was that even if technology would replace a wide variety of jobs it would also promote the inventions of new jobs and activities. This time in this blog post I will be observing some jobs which are consequence of technology today and that will be also it consequence in the future.

Technology and its innovations are not something that was created or originated in the last couple of years. Technology has existed since ancient times. Another blog here in word press concluded took the labour of investigating The Origin of the Word Technology . This blog argues that the word technology was used by ancient Greeks around two thousand years ago. Therefore, technology has been implemented since that period. Technology in the beginning was the invention of cars and airplanes, also since the industrial revolution humanity invented machines and devices to improve the pace of producing different things.  Jobs appear in our society according to the needs that we as humans have, and the needs demanded by the implementation of technology. An example can be that 50 years ago a community manager didn’t exist because of two simple reasons. First Social Media had not been invented yet, and second the Internet was not used by the average population yet.

In the future some jobs will be created at a significant pace according to an article made by the Huffington Post based on a report made by Dell Inc. Also, in this article the Huffington Post mentions the comment of Dell saying that about 85% of the jobs that will exist in 30 years have not been invented yet. This comment justifies the idea about the amount of jobs that will be existing in the future. Some of the jobs that could appear in the future according to are food engineers which will produce 3D printed foods, organ harvesters, personal web managers whose job will be to manage the reputation of a person in social media, and finally the operator of robots in different industries.

Technology and the activities performed by humans (jobs) go hand in hand. Each one of them are a consequence of the other. I consider that the amount of jobs would be consistently increase according to the total population overall, because the need of sustaining a population of 100 people compared to a population of 1000 people requires more labour force and more tasks destined to specific subjects. I also consider that the amount of jobs in the future will be higher because of the needs that we have regarding the exploration and experimentation of our environment. Moreover, with the recent findings and research in the possibility of we as humans travelling and exploring planets in our solar system will for sure motivate our need to produce new technology, so we can achieve the goal of travelling the outer space, but also it would require more activities to sustain this need, and more knowledge of the skills needed to be able to create this new technology.

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